My journey has been
a path of listening...

As a child, I listened to nature. I listened to stones, raindrops and colors. Everything was alive. I took life in through sensation, sound and texture. This was overwhelming at times, but also incredibly rich and personal. An only child, I spent most of my time by myself, playing games in the mirror, laughing at my own jokes, and exploring. I was exposed to the adult world from a young age which I navigated confidently. I was a natural artist and performer, and I never acted my age. My grandmother was my main caretaker during the week and she kept me close, bringing me to prayer meetings and inviting me to dress the altars of our church.

As I grew into my adolescence, I found myself in a society that didn’t match my understanding of reality. I felt something was terribly wrong, and I shuddered at the density I was sensing. When I did not have a space to sort these feelings out, I concluded that I was the one that was wrong, and those were my darkest times. Somehow, my intuition even at its quietest was still there, pointing me towards a deeper understanding of the world around me and greater kindness towards myself.

When I graduated from high school, after years of paradox and heaviness, I promised myself that I would be a friend to me. I made an oath to live the best life I possibly could, even if this world did not make sense to me. I believe that decision changed the trajectory of my entire life.

I listened to whispers from within that told me to lean into my intuition, and I studied how to grow it. I listened to the nudges to explore my artistry, to consider philosophy and study consciousness. I traveled all over and realized that reality was malleable. I met people that opened my heart and expanded my senses. Retreats, medicine, adventure; I said yes. And my confusion began to settle into knowledge and understanding, compassion and curiosity. I opened.

I did not imagine that I would be a priestess or coach; it unfolded this way through the many twists and turns. I was summoned, and I listened.

In 2019, I had a vision of an otherworldly rose that appeared to me during meditation. Without any context, I knew that I was on the Path of the Rose, something at the time I knew absolutely nothing about. 6 months later, I found my teacher and after years of initiation...I have been ordained as a Magdalene High Priestess. The Path of the Rose is one of sacred femininity, embodying the oracle, inner ancient gnosis and ritual. This training has taken me deeper into my intuitive abilities beyond what I thought was possible. It has brought me home to my soul and cemented my knowledge of who and what I am: a vessel for loving alchemy and a conduit of subtle energy. I am now a practiced ceremonialist, intuitive medium, and confident energy worker.

I was guided to other potent work. I studied Consciousness Law and am a trained practitioner of point-holding, a modality that restores emotional and physical wholeness through the navigation and exploration of the subconscious. This kind of work produces miracles, and I have had the honor to witness and facilitate profound transformation at the root of my client’s psyche. Through my training in SRT (somatic release technique), I have strengthened my ability to listen to the language of the body and support the release of traumatic imprints through psychosomatic facilitation. All the while, I have integrated this knowledge with my own intuitive senses, creating my own unique way of guiding that is ultimately rooted in resonance. My practice is focused on naturalness and restoring individual and personal connection with the divine.

Recently I have become a LEAP facilitator where I get to be a conduit for others’ kundalini awakening through the practice of surrender and receiving. That’s a whole other story…Could I have ever predicted any of this? Every step was a call and a revealing of something deeper inside of me. It has been the greatest treasure hunt and has also asked of all of me.

I am devoted to the journey within and guiding others into the truth of their spirit, body, emotions and abilities. I know that there is so much beyond the veils of our stories and perceived limitations. There is so much life wants to pour into all of us. It is my honor to give back what has been given to me by the grace of life.

Thank you for being here.


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